Hornet nest removal in France

Are you looking for a wasp or hornet nest removal service in France ?

ALLO FRELONS, close to your home, is the perfect company for this job.

Hornet nest removal in France

Need to have a nest removed ?

Close to your home, ALLO FRELONS is a local pest control company with over 20 years’ experience

+33 6 75 36 24 05    (english spoken)   

or send us a message via our contact form


Prices between €95 and €250, depending on the height

SEE THE MAP and Click on your area

Wherever you are in France or Belgium, ALLO FRELONS have the solution for your pest problem.

ALLO FRELONS Pest Control in France

Discover our job

English transcription:

Occupation: 3D technician

I am a technician in the field of hygiene, pest control and disinfection.
Our role as a technician is to apply products, but also to advise clients and carry out expert assessments and diagnoses to control pest infestations.
In our profession we treat pests, so rodents. That’s a big part of the job; and insects like cockroaches, bedbugs, ants. All the insects that are harmful to the population.
« Thank you for being here. We’ve just moved into our new premises and we’d like to have a pest prevention intervention.
« So I have free access to all your premises?
« Yes, you have free access, plus we’re working next door, so we prefer to be careful.

The role of the technician

We are indispensable in certain places to control the infestation, the pest population.
Our health role is very important for the public.
We can’t have a health policy in our country without having these technicians who, on a daily basis, take care of all the invasive species in our environment and, in particular, create a barrier to avoid the potential transfer of diseases that could take place between these invasive species and humans. But also take care of our daily environment so that there is a real serenity of man in his living environment.

The advantages of the profession

There is a great diversity of contacts in our profession, which is very interesting. This can be in public places, in administrations, schools, nurseries, customs, gendarmeries.
The technician must be very rigorous in his interventions. He must analyse the site. If he forgets a place, the insects or rodents will inevitably continue to multiply and the treatment will be ineffective and we will have to intervene again.
After that, the technician has to be a good psychologist with the customers and also sociable with his colleagues.
Although he works alone most of the time, he may have to work in a team on certain buildings, on certain sites where there is a large infestation or very large areas to be treated for example.

Setting the scene

« Now I’m going to check the outside of the building
« I really got into this job by chance. I’ve done lots of odd jobs. I’m a trained landscape worker. I applied for a job on the job centre and I got a call from a pest control company. I didn’t even know what rodent control was.
It began by an interview. They explained the job to me a bit. I was able to discover it in the field. I had three months’ training in pairs with an old hand in the trade and my employer made me pass the Certibiocide certificate, which now allows me to be certified as a hygienist applicator.

Possible career paths

You can become a sales technician.
Also, you can become a sales technician.

By the end, you can set up your own business.
This is a job that requires a lot of knowledge, especially in physics and natural sciences.
You need to know a lot about the way insects and rodents live, you need to have some knowledge of chemistry to be able to handle the products, and you need to be able to inform customers about the persistence of your products.
« I have just carried out an insecticide spray on all the surroundings of the building to prevent pests from entering the building.
« I have just finished my work. As far as rodent control is concerned, everything is going well, I have put in place the initial treatment, I have treated all the premises including the basements.
For the pest control, I used the gel against cockroaches.
What I particularly like about this job is the human relationship, the contact you can have with customers.
It’s a very rewarding job. We get clients out of some very delicate situations and we are sometimes seen as the saviour when we arrive at the client’s home.
Our job is a job that is going to develop more and more.
Intensive urbanisation, population displacement and climate change are leading to more and more pests: it’s a job for the future.

Last Updated on avril 2, 2024 by Castagné Guillaume